Tooth bonding involves the application of a resin colored very similarly to your natural teeth. The material also uses adhesives and a high intensity curing light. In most cases, the procedure is used to restore the appearance of a discolored or chipped tooth, making it a primarily cosmetic procedure.
If your teeth have uneven or noticeable spacing in between, vary in length, an unusual shape, or if they are discolored, bonding may be exactly what you need. Bonding is typically used as an alternative to fillings.
Pros of Dental Bonding
You will have a conversation with Dr. Hazzouri before determining whether or not bonding is an appropriate procedure for you. Reasons patients typically use bonding include:
- It’s one of the easiest, least expensive cosmetic dentistry procedures
- It can often be done in one short office visit
- Little tooth enamel needs to be removed
- Dental bonding procedures most often do not require anesthesia
Bonding works well for relatively minor cosmetic changes, temporary correction of certain defects, and areas of low bite pressure (front teeth).
How does the Process Work?
If bonding is the appropriate procedure for you, Dr. Hazzouri will first select a resin color that most closely matches the current color of your teeth. Next, your tooth is etched, which means it’s made a little rougher. The rougher surface of your tooth allows it to be coated lightly with a conditioning liquid that allows the resin to adhere to your teeth.
The resin is then applied to your teeth. It is molded and smoothed until it is the proper shape. An ultraviolet light or laser is then used to make it harder. After it hardens, Dr. Hazzouri trims and shapes the material a little more so that it more closely matches the shape and look of your teeth. Finally, the material is polished until it matches the rest of each of your teeth.
One tooth requires 30 to 60 minutes of work. If you need to have more than one tooth worked on, more than one visit will be required.
Caring for the Resin
The new bonded resin covering your teeth can be stained. Avoid drinking tea, coffee, and cigarette smoke for up to 48 hours after the completion of your procedure. Make sure you also avoid hard foods or chewing on ice or pens, as doing so can chip the resin. Otherwise, keep caring for your teeth as you normally would – brush twice daily, floss once, and rinse with fluoride at least once.
If you think your teeth would benefit from bonding, contact Dr. Hazzouri’s office using the online form, or call 570.961.6030.